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When and through which channel can we reach you best? 

In order to improve and simplify communication with you, we are updating the contact details of our renters. Please give us your current phone number and e-mail address. In the future, we will also send rent invoices by e-mail.

My contact details
... that is how you can contact me best

At which e-mail adress can we contact you best?

Which phone number might we use to contact you in case of urgent requests or answering your questions?

Thank you for your kind support.

Your data will not be passed on. They are only used for administration and for important information to the tenants. In the event that several tenants are entered into one rental agreement, please indicate one person. Legally binding documents such as contract or rent changes etc. will continue to be sent by post.

© 2024  Schmidlin Immobilientreuhand GmbH

Alle Bilder Rechte vorbehalten - Copyright Erhart von Ammon

Bild: Barrierefrei: Copyright katermikesch auf Pixabay

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